Do you want to join the River District Artists?
If you rent and maintain a studio in Asheville’s River Arts District, you may join the River District Artists and participate in the Studio Strolls twice a year in June and November. Current buildings identified as part of the River Art District are Cotton Mill Studios, Curve Studios, Odyssey Center, 240 Clingman Ave., Phil Mechanic Studios, Railside Studios, Riverside Studios, The Wedge, Riverview Station, Roberts Street Studios and Studio 375.
Looking for Studio Space? Click here for a list of building owners and contact info.
View and print or download: 2009 Membership application and the 2009 Studio Guide form.
These forms can be handed in to the membership chairperson: Dawn Dalto at Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts (828.285.0210)
Member Benefits
– Participate in both the summer and fall Studio Strolls
– Get listed in the RDA Studio Guide (extra fees apply for photos of art)
– Listing in RDA website (free picture, link and brief bio or statement)
– Use the RDA logo and any associated promo materials
– Benefit from RDA publicity and advertising
– A vote in determining the future of RDA
– Participate in co-op advertising (extra fees may apply)
– Come to meetings, receptions, pot-luck parties and more
– Become an active part of a diversified, energetic, talented group of artists
– Help maintain the character of the River Arts District by being part of a unified voice
– RDA is a member of the Asheville Chamber of Commerce. Many Chamber benefits are available to RDA members.
River District Artists General Operating Procedures
- Regular members must pay dues of $50 per calendar year. After the June Stroll, dues for the rest of the year are $25. Additionally, regular members will remit 15% of their gross sales receipts that occur during the Studio Strolls to RDA as a commission. Employees and students of regular members may show and sell art during the Studio Strolls. They will remit 15% of their gross sales to RDA as a commission, and it is the Regular Member’s responsibility to ensure these commissions are collected. Regular members will get a listing in the brochure, a listing on the web site, the right to vote, and inclusion in any RDA events they desire.
- Associate members must pay dues of $100 per calendar year. After the June Stroll, dues for the rest of the year are $50. Associate members (as such) do not pay commission to RDA. Employees, members, faculty, or students of associate members may show and sell art during the Studio Strolls. They will remit 15% of their gross sales to RDA as a commission, and it is the Associate Member’s responsibility to ensure these commissions are collected. Associate members (not employees, members, faculty, or students) get a listing in the brochure, a listing on the web site, and inclusion in any RDA events. Associate members do not get to vote unless they are an elected officer of RDA. Associate members who maintain exhibition galleries may continue to exhibit non-RDA artists during the Strolls and any sales during Strolls are not subject to the 15% commission.
- Only those people specified in (A) and (B) above, may present their art for sale as part of the Studio Strolls. Artists who do not maintain a studio in the River Arts District, or are not represented by a gallery in the River Arts District, are not eligible for inclusion in the Studio Strolls, promotions, nor publicity.
- The Membership Chairperson shall furnish prospective members with the application form, accept submitted application for membership, and notify the applicant of acceptance. The Membership Chair shall provide new members with a current copy of the By-Laws and shall be responsible for any other materials pertinent to their membership.
- The Stroll Committee Chairperson shall coordinate all aspects of the Studio Strolls, to include arrangements for sign creation, placement, and removal, placing and manning the information tent, street closures, food vendors, and all other functions not covered by another Chair.
- The Brochure Chairperson shall coordinate the creation and printing of the RDA brochure. This includes gathering information and images from artists, layout and design of the brochure, supervising a graphic designer’s work, and printing of the brochures.
- The Public Relations Chairperson shall coordinate and distribute all publicity relating to RDA activities to the media.
- The Advertising Chairperson shall be responsible for creating postcards, advertisements, and flyers (except the brochure).
- The Web Site Chairperson shall maintain the RDA’s domain name, web site, and host placement. The site will be regularly updated with current information.
- The Distribution Chairperson shall ensure that brochures, postcards, and other materials are distributed to appropriate venues in a timely manner, and shall ensure that venues are kept stocked with these items as needed.
- A web site publicizes individual members and reports on upcoming events, items for sale, available working space and other RDA business.
- There are two Studio Stroll Events during the year, during which members are encouraged to open their studios to the public, and to display and sell their works.
- Southern boundary on Lyman Street: River View Studios building.
- Southern boundary on Depot Street: Glen Rock Hotel building.
- Western boundary: French Broad River
- Northern boundary: Highwater Clays building
- Eastern boundaries: From Glen Rock Hotel on Depot Street, to Clingman Avenue, to Haywood Road, to Roberts Street, to Riverside Drive
Minutes, notices of meetings, and other RDA business shall be published to the membership via email and the web site as appropriate.
River District Artists By-Laws
River District Artists (RDA)
- The River District Artists (RDA) is a community of artists in the French Broad River Arts District committed to creating art, supporting artists, producing a successful art event known as the Studio Stroll and providing a common voice for artists in the River Arts District.
- Regular membership in the RDA is open to all artists and craftspersons whose studios or places of business lie within the River Arts District. Benefits of regular membership include, but are not limited to, listing in the brochure and web site, participation in RDA-sponsored events such as the Studio Strolls and exhibits, and voting privileges.
- Associate membership in the RDA is open to businesses and not-for-profit organizations located within the River Arts District. Associate members may participate in RDA-sponsored events, may be recognized in the brochure, web site, and other promotional material, but do not have voting privileges. The only exception is for an Associate Member who may be elected to a position as an Officer.
- Participation as a Regular or Associate member shall be without regard to age, sex, race, religion, creed or sexual orientation.
- Regular and Associate members are considered Active during the period for which their dues and fees are paid.
- The boundaries of the River Arts District (for RDA purposes) shall be determined by the general membership.
- RDA will charge dues for annual membership. Approval of 2/3 of the membership is required to change the dues amount. Adequate notice must be given of proposals to change dues.
Membership fees are due and payable by January 1, the beginning of the fiscal year.
- Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each month unless otherwise designated by the Board of Directors.
- Notification of meetings will be provided by commonly used methods such as computer communications. Such notification will be the responsibility of the secretary.
- Failure to properly notify the membership invalidates the meeting for the purpose of any business.
- The election of executive officers will be held over the October and November meetings. Candidates will be nominated during the October meeting. These nominations will be published to the RDA via email and website. The election will be held during the November meeting. The new officers will assume their offices on January 1.
- The Executive Committee will meet prior to the regular membership meetings.
At all general meetings, the order of business shall normally be as follows. This order of business may be changed as required by circumstances.
1. Agenda
2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
3. Financial Report
4. Unfinished Business
5. New Business
6. Programs
- The officers of the RDA shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall comprise the Executive Committee.
- Terms of office shall be from January 1 to December 31. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year.
- Executive Committee meetings are open to all members.
- The President shall preside at all meetings of the RDA, and shall appoint all committee chairpersons as needed. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
- The Vice President in the absence of the President shall have the obligation to fill the duties of that office.
- The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the meetings of general membership and of the Executive Committee.
- The Treasurer will be custodian of the funds and shall keep account of receipts and expenditures in records open to inspection. All financial records may be subject to examination by an accountant at the discretion of the Board. The Treasurer shall submit financial reports to the Board at each called meeting and/or when requested.
- The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected Officers, the immediate Past President, and the appointed Chairpersons of the standing and special committees.
- The Board of Directors shall have the general supervision of the affairs, funds, property and activities of the RDA, making recommendations to the membership and shall perform such duties as are specified in these By-Laws. The Board cannot make decisions unless at least a majority of Board members is present.
- The Executive Committee, consisting of the elected officers, shall have the power of the Board of Directors when urgent action is required. A report of such action shall be made to the Board at its next meeting.
- Committee Chairpersons will direct their committees and submit plans and recommendations to the Board for approval.
- The By-Laws of the RDA may be amended by a 2/3 vote of all members.
- The General Operating Procedures may be amended by a majority vote at a general meeting.